Labour Standards
Salt Group acknowledges its legal and ethical obligations towards its customers, employees and the communities in which it operates, arising from its business operations. The Company is committed to ensuring high standards for business ethics and values.

Salt Group has used the following references, amongst other resources, to define a minimum set of labour standards:
a) UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights
a) Australian Government Fairwork Act 2009, National Employment Standards
b) Australian Government Modern Slavery Act 2018

Labour Standards
The Company’s defined set of minimum labour standards are:

Child Labour

The Company does not tolerate the use of child labour and prohibits the use of child labour in its supply chain. Even if local law permits, the Company will not hire any employee or engage a contingent worker or individual hired through a third-party staffing agency below the age of 18 years or under. If applicable laws impose a higher minimum age requirement than 18 years, Salt Group will follow the stricter standard in compliance with the law.

Forced & Compulsory Labour

Salt Group has a zero-recruitment fee policy, meaning Salt Group does not require any of its employees (including foreign workers) to pay any recruitment fees or other related fees for their employment. Salt Group does not tolerate and will not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labour, or bonded or involuntary prison labour and prohibits the use of the same in its supply chain.

Health & Safety

Salt Group provides a safe and healthy workplace environment and takes effective steps to prevent potential accidents and injury to employees’ health by minimising, so far as is reasonably practicable, and in co-operation with its employees, the causes of hazards inherent in the workplace. All employees receive safety and job-specific instructions during their employment with the Company. Employees shall have access to safe, clean sanitary facilities.


Salt Group does not engage in or support discriminatory practices in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, national or social origin, caste, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliations, age or other conditions that could give rise to discrimination, unless required by law.

Disciplinary & Grievance Practices

Salt Group is committed to treating all employees with dignity and respect. The Company does not engage in or tolerate the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of employees. Salt Group has an established process where all workers can give feedback through the regular direct management and senior management channels.

Working Hours

Salt Group complies with applicable national laws and regulations on working hours (including overtime and rest periods) and holiday entitlements as a minimum standard. Salt Group does not tolerate forced labour and will not compel any employee to work against their will, either by intimidation or threat, or by physical confinement, human trafficking, slavery or any other means.


Salt Group complies with applicable national laws and regulations regarding wages and benefits. All work – related activities are carried out based on a recognised employment relationship established according to applicable national law and practice. Salt Group is seeking to ensure a fair wage for fair hours of work for all its workforce.

Environment Policy
Salt Group Pty Ltd develops and integrates software solutions to address the eSecurity and eBusiness needs of our customers. We recognise that our day-to-day operations impact on the environment in a number of ways and we will therefore endeavour to minimise any adverse effects resulting from these activities.
We will:
  • Comply with environmental legislation, regulations and other applicable requirements.
  • Continually improve the company’s environmental management system processes and the prevention of pollution.
  • Take into account environmentally conscious manufacturing processes and product designs.
  • Minimise wastage of finite natural resources, including materials and energy.
  • Develop objectives, targets and plans, which are consistent with this policy.
  • Review this policy annually to ensure it continues to be appropriate for the company activities.
  • Communicate and work with our customers, suppliers, staff, the public and other stakeholders in the furtherance of the policy.
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