We already have payment card data in our databases, as part of PCI compliance we need to protect card data. Can Salt Group’s ASG help us on this area ?

Yes. The ASG team can provide consulting and advice on data protection for PCI compliance. Continue reading “We already have payment card data in our databases, as part of PCI compliance we need to protect card data. Can Salt Group’s ASG help us on this area ?”

We have a requirement to integrate our PKI environment with HSM key protection. Can Salt Group’s ASG help us on this?

Yes. The ASG team has extensive experience in PKI system integration with nCipher nShield HSMs and can provide step-by-step guidance on the integration process plus advice on industry best practices.

Does Salt Group provide Key Management solutions?

Yes. Wherever crypto applications require HSM based key management, Salt Group’s ASG can also provide separate Key Management Tool (KMT) utilities to import, generate, migrate, etc. of HSM based keys. Continue reading “Does Salt Group provide Key Management solutions?”

What kind of Crypto Solutions are support by Salt Group?

Salt Group’s Advanced Solutions Group (ASG) can support a wide range of cryptographic solutions required by organisations including but not limited to: Continue reading “What kind of Crypto Solutions are support by Salt Group?”

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